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How to refer to an independent audiologist

  • Search for an independent audiologist by map (area, suburb, postcode and state) or by directory (name or clinic name or specialization)
  • Send a message via our member directory
  • Submit an online referral using links in our members directory
  • Call to arrange an appointment using the phone numbers listed in our directory
Find and independent audiologist here

General Practitioners

Private patients -  referral is best practice to establish communication pathways.  Patients of all ages can be seen by audiologists to identify and treat auditory and related disorders.

Medicare - Chronic Disease Management - place audiologists on teamcare plans for chronic conditions commonly associated with hearing loss - such as diabetes, degenerative neurological conditions, Meniere's Disease, Otosclerosis  and persistent middle ear pathology.  Eligible Australians of all ages can be referred to by GPs.

Hearing Services Program -   Individual voucher holders can decide which provider they wish to consult from information supplied by the Hearing Services Program.    Independent audiologists contract to the Office of Hearing Services and can provide services that are fully subsidised through the voucher scheme to eligible pensioners and Department of Veterans Affairs.

NDIS - independent audiologists are providers of therapeutic supports under the NDIS and can provide hearing devices, counselling and communication training for all ages and types of hearing and balance disorders.

Medical Specialists (ENTs, Paediatricians, Neurologists)

Private patients -  referral is best practice to establish communication pathways.  Patients of all ages can be seen by audiologists to identify and treat auditory and related disorders.

Medicare - ENTS and Neurologists can request audiology procedures to assist the diagnosis of cause of hearing disorder.  Assessments and reports will be submitted to the medical specialist.  Paediatricians can refer for assessments under the Medicare Better Start programme.

Allied Healthcare Practitioners and Educationalists

Referral is not required by is best practice to ensure effective communication pathways to track assessments and treatments  provided.

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